Eliminate QuickBooks Error Code CC-501 [5 DIY Methods]

How to Resolve QuickBooks Error CC-501

QuickBooks provides users with an impeccable and secure platform for accessing and processing their financial information. However, while establishing the connection with the bank, QuickBooks, at times, shows up the Error CC 501.

This error also appears when the accountingprogram is unable to retrieve the transactions that the user is trying to access. This article shall cover all the information required by users to Fix QuickBooks Error Code cc-501 using online service with the least efforts. Thus, keep the article tillthe end.

What causes QuickBooks Error Code CC-501?

Some basic factors can cause the error cc501 in QuickBooks to occur. Let us look at some of those causes –

  • QuickBooks may be unsuccessful in establishing a connection with the server due to server maintenance of the bank. 
  • If you have multiple accounts with the same name in your QuickBooks software, this can also cause confusion when trying to connect to your bank account. 
  • Users might be trying to get access to the wrong transaction file. 
  • This error may also appear if QuickBooks was installed incorrectly. 
  • Certain Windows registry-related issues may also spark the Error 501. 
  • Firewall may be causing frequent disruptions in the connection of QuickBooks with the bank’s server. 
  • If your bank's server is down or experiencing technical difficulties, you may encounter this error when trying to connect to your bank account.

Solutionto the QuickBooks error message CC-501

It becomes imperative for the users to followall the steps carefully to make sure that no omission occurs from the user end. Follow the steps given below to solve the QuickBooks error cc 501

Step 1: Backup of thecompany file

Create company file backup as follows:

  • Run QuickBooks as admin.
  • Hover over File menu, then gofor Backup and Restore.
  • Hit “Backup QuickBooks file”.

Step 2: Update QuickBooksdesktop

An outdated QuickBooks desktop can causetrouble. So, you need to update it to the latest version -

  • At first, open your QuickBooksdesktop.
  • After this, go to the helpoption and click on UpdateQuickBooks desktop.
  • Now click on get updates tab.
  • Click yes and update to thelatest version.

Ways to remove theQuickBooks error CC-501

Now that you are aware of the causes of the QuickBookserror message cc 501, here are some points that you need to follow -

Method 1: Deactivate &Reactive the QuickBooks account

1.      Head for Tools, then pick “Accountlist”.

2.      In list of accounts, choose theaccount facing the error

3.      Tap on “Online server”,the hit “deactivate”.

4.      Go for “Online setup”,then hit “setup now”.

5.      Click “Ok”, then “Done”.

6.      Type in the Username andpassword.

7.      Save the password.

8.      Click “connect”.

9.      Next, link the account.

10.   Finish the process by clickingthe “Finish” tab.

Method 2: ValidateQuickBooks data files

In certain cases, the company files triggeran error. So, it is important to validate the QuickBooks data files. Follow the below-given steps:-

1.      Go to file and file operations.

2.      Click on “validate andrepair”.

3.      The validation process willstart and take some time, based on file size.

4.      Follow the onscreeninstructions.

5.      Maintain Data Log notepad oncethe validation is done.

Method 3: Reset CCcredentials

If none of the above solutions worked, youcan try resetting the CC credentials. Here are the steps to follow -

1.      Go to the Tools option.

2.      Select “online center”.

3.      Then press shift.

4.      Click “open recent cccredentials.”

5.      Perform the on-screeninstructions to reset the CC credentials.

6.      Now, relaunch QuickBooks

Method 4: Refresh OnlineAccount Information

If you can refresh online accountinformation, it can help resolve the problem. Follow the steps below –

1.      Click on account < “updatenow”.

2.      Update the password.

Method 5: Update theaccount of QuickBooks

1.      Run QuickBooks.

2.      Login to every account.

3.      Then, refresh the bank accountactivity.

4.      Hit download, then press "Ctrl+ Alt + U" keys.

5.      Click “Update now”.

6.      Take note of QB ID andpassword.

7.      Hit “update now”, thenchange password.

8.      Type in the new password.

9.      Hit OK.


If you need more help to resolveQuickBooks Error cc-501, just call us at 1-800-615-2347. Our QuickBooks error support team at Axpertadvisors is always available to help.