Quick Guide to Fix QuickBooks Multi-User Mode Not Working

QuickBooks Multi-User Mode Not Working

QuickBooksis a game-changing accounting program for small and medium businesses. Amongst its notable features is the Multi-user mode. This feature allows multiple users
to open the company file at the same time. This feature has, however, been
facing many technical issues lately. These issues prevent users from opening
it. In this article, we will look at the QuickBooks multi-user mode not working error- its causes and different ways to solve it.

What are the different causesthat might lead to multi-user mode issues in QuickBooks?

Letus take a look at some of the primary causes that can trigger the multi-user
mode not working problem -

1.       Hosting settings notconfigured properly

2.       System firewall orantivirus obstructing communication.

3.       The database servermanager not able to open the company file.

4.       Windows file permissionsnot set correctly.

5.       QB Database server managernot installed.

6.       .ND files are corrupted.

How do we solve the problemof QuickBooks multi-user mode not working?

QuickBooksmulti-user mode error is the most common problem. This is how you can get rid ofthe multi-user problem -

Solution 1: Download and runthe QuickBooks tools hub program

1.       Make an exit fromQuickBooks desktop.

2.       Go to the Intuit website, then Download the QuickBooks Tool Huband install it.

3.       Run the tool to access itsfeatures

Solution 2: Install and runthe QuickBooks file doctor tool.


1.       Run the QB Tool Hub.

2.       Select “Company file issues” < choose theoption to “Run QuickBooks File Doctor”.

3.       Browse the company file and scan it using the FileDoctor.

4.       Wait for the tool tofinish the scan.



Allthe steps above should help you fix the problem of QuickBooks multi-user mode not working. But in case you are stillunable to solve the issue or need any technical assistance, then feel free to reach out to us at 1-800-615-2347. Our QuickBooks errorsupport experts will help guide you through the entire process.